Friday, December 18, 2009

It's cleaning lady Day

Cleaning Lady Day, is a magical and wonderful day. It happens twice a month on every other Friday. I don't have a lot of time to blog this morning, because I have to run around the house picking up everything that could be considered inappropriate. I know on more than one occasion I've left my sketchbook out, do you think they flip through my sketchbook when I'm not home? And what must they think of the erect men, the guys bending over or the guys just going at it??

I know they know I'm gay (my house is far too stylish) and.... this is embarrassing.... I have several oversized "realistic" looking dildos. I swear ( I SWEAR ) all of them gifts. I swear! cross my heart. Anyway they are so big I could never use them. However they come in very handy when I need to get the angle right of the piece I'm working on. I swear.

Long story short.... I have left one out before, they wrapped it in a towel and set in the laundry room.

I was mortified.

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