Wednesday, October 27, 2010

ass of u n me

Okay I have to admit that I assume.... if you read my blog were friends on Facebook??? That may not be true. So some of the stuff that I've been posting on Facebook... maybe, I should post to my blog as well. This is a drawing I did for a client who hired me to design a Halloween costume that was a revealing new twist on the classic. My concept was see-through mummy. I highly recommend using the idea, if you do send me pictures.

And by all means look me up on Facebook!! Ethan Maxx

A hole in fruit

God I love Halloween!!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I have fallen silent.

Sorry for not blogging for a week or so, I'm depressed... I know I am. It seems the only thing I can accomplish lately is laying on the couch and watching marathons of "law and order SVU" and having a cocktail (s) ... I'll get over it, I always do :)

somebody sent me this magazine cover that has my artwork on it. (Side face to) the image of the guy on the wall is also on the open of my website. And a little known fact, I was drawing flowers for about five minutes... and the black-and-white flowered pillows are mine!! Guys and flowers could I be any gay-er??

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My NEW pillows

Have been working like a mad man to get my new line of pillows complete!!